Please read carefully before you sign-up. By signing up for a membership, you agree to the following CSA Membership Agreement.
CSA refers to Community Supported Agriculture, a membership program in which you prepay for a share of the harvest from QuintaMKE.
We, the farm, wish to provide you with fresh, local, and seasonal produce grown without synthetic fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides, or single-use plastic mulch. You, the member, wish to support our business and receive a portion of our harvest. This agreement outlines our shared commitment to that relationship.
Sharing the Risks and Rewards
Signing up for CSA is a big commitment. As a CSA member, you make a commitment to share in both the bounty and the risks inherent to farming. In good years, CSA members may receive more than average amount of produce, and in bad years less. Despite every effort, crops sometimes fail.
A farm is a business. By prepaying for your CSA membership you are supporting our business by helping us pay for upfront costs without operational loans. In turn we, the farm, are committed to feeding CSA members first. During harvest season, CSA members are always prioritized before inventory is offered to Farmers Market shoppers, Chefs and other sales channels. Exceptions are sometimes made when harvests are too small to fill the CSA (for example; early in the season tomatoes start slow, then boom).
Payments and Refunds
CSA members can sign-up and pay with a Credit Card on our website, CSA members can also pay by check to help us avoid credit card processing fees. To pay by check please use the website and select “Manual Payment” at checkout. Complete the checkout process and we will follow up with instructions (mailing address) for sending a check.
Payment plans are available for all returning CSA members, and may be available for new CSA members. If you want to sign-up for CSA but you can’t pay everything upfront, please email for more information.
Refund Policy: We do not issue refunds for CSA memberships. Please be sure that you are ready to make a summer long commitment to receiving boxes full of produce before signing up. In case of financial hardship or life circumstances please email
Most of our communication happens via email. If you are not getting our emails, please check your spam folder. You are always welcome to reach out by email or phone with questions, concerns or feedback.
Mason Jarecki-Nimmo
Farm Manager / Owner
(262) 402 8495
We encourage CSA members to give us direct feedback about the quality and quantity of your boxes by email or phone. If you are happy with your CSA boxes and would like to further support our farm, please share your experience on social media websites like, Instagram and Facebook.
Schedule and Delivery
CSA members will receive a CSA Member Handbook sometime during April or May. The handbook will have a set schedule and more instructions about how delivery works.
The cost for our CSA includes front-door delivery.
Deliveries will run roughly June 1st to October 31st. Deliveries are weekly (Thursdays), and we have 3 or 4 scheduled breaks to give farmers a chance to rest, and members time to clean out their fridge or visit other local farms at the Farmers Market.
You do not need to be home to receive your box, we will deliver it just like a package. Your CSA share is delivered in a reusable plastic bin. Please return your empty bin every week - simply leave the bin where it was delivered. Please do not leave any unwanted items in the box, as they will be rotten by the time we pickup.
If you are out of town (or cannot receive your CSA delivery) please reach out via email or phone. We have a few options that will be better explained in the CSA Member Handbook.
Thank you for reading our CSA Membership Agreement. You are now welcome to sign-up using the checkout process on our website.
More information about our CSA can be found on our website Additionally CSA members will receive a CSA Member Handbook sometime during April or May.
All my best,
Mason Jarecki-Nimmo
Farm Manager / Owner
(262) 402 8495
2024 CSA Membership
Please read the CSA Membership Agreement below before you sign-up. By signing up, you agree to the following CSA Membership Agreement.